Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life Is A Loop

For days I have been away just as I said so in my previous entry. Entries make me think a lot. Lots of apprehensions, excitement, stories to tell but my words tonight aren't enough to contain all. All of a sudden my fingers start typing. Typing a post can be as deceiving as taking down notes in your chem class while trying to fight the boredom and sleepiness. Sleeping inside the LRT while standing, I have experienced. Experiences can make us or break us; the choice is in our hands. Hand washing can never rewind any decisions you have made. Made and molded by circumstances, human beings are like rocks in a flowing stream subject to constant abrasion. Abrasions are painful but through time, they create a natural beauty. Beauty never fades as long as the one who possesses it never thinks otherwise. Otherwise, to whom is this post written for?

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